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I come to painting along the Decorative Arts route.  It is unfortunate that some serious artists can hold great disdain for decorative art.  Art did not begin as an aesthetic practice.  Surely the cave art dating back to prehistory was meant to chronical an event, or indicate a bounteous hunting site, rather than be a commentary on the society of the day.  Body painting sent messages and indicated status, and yes, even beautified.  So I do not apologize for tole painting or one-stroke painting.  It has taught me technique, brush management, composition and given me confidence to pursue more complex work.  Learning is life-long and there is so much to explore.

What's New
Sonyashnyky mitsno stoyat

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February of this year, I needed somewhere to channel my anger and helplessness.  It went into this 16 x 20 acrylic, "Sunflowers Stand Firm", which was then used to raise funds for the Ukrainian refugees to Canada, and medical supplies needed in Ukraine.  It was what little I could do.

Cannings Cove Bollard

When travelling I find it more practical to work in watercolour or gouache.  this is a little sketch from our summer camping trip.

Paintings and Portrayals
Medium and Support Explorations

Canvas is only one of many surfaces that can be used to create art.  My husband has cut me wood slices from branches of trees he has felled around our home.  I have been indulging my new enjoyment of watercolour and shimmer with these small works.  It is remarkable how well watercolour actually works on wood.  Naturally, acrylic works well on most everything.


And native stone, either shale or beach rock, is a readily available support.  And don't discount found objects, such as shells gathered during a beach ramble.

Glass requires patience, but the transmission of light lets the colours glow as no other surface can.

Blinged & Painted Ornaments

These jeweled ornaments have become sought after and are now available for purchase.

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